The Education Momentum Framework is the official instructional leadership method and model developed and used by MAVERIK EDUCATION to provide continuous and sustainable professional learning, support, and training to K-12 schools and staff.
The Education Momentum Framework is an instructional leadership model that sustains and supports the implementation and saturation of initiatives into expectations.
The Education Momentum Framework provides a structured way to turn new ideas into standard practice throughout the entire education community. It also serves as a guide and map for creating "champions" who will expand and extend the implementation of education initiatives within a district or school.
The Education Momentum Framework focuses on identifying and developing influential members and stakeholders within an education organization into "champions" who will spread and sustain the implementation of important education reforms and programs. These "champions" will help transform the initiatives into expectations, both within the system of the education organization and among its stakeholders.
The Education Momentum Framework synthesizes the research, ideas, and theories of Everett Rogers (Diffusions of Innovation), Geoffrey A. Moore (Crossing the Chasm), Malcom Gladwell (The Tipping Point), Adam Grant (Think Again), and Simon Sinek (The Infinite Game, Start with Why) into a method and model education organizations can adopt and apply to saturate and support the implementation and transformation of education initiatives into systemwide expectations for all stakeholders.
Learn more about how MAVERIK EDUCATION uses the Education Momentum Framework to facilitate and support the implementation and transformation of districtwide and schoolwide initiativesinto expectations for all stakeholders.