MAVERIK EDUCATION LLC specializes in providing programmatic and fiscal consultation to district and charter K-12 schools. We provide assistance in and support in increasing student achievement, teacher effectiveness, stakeholder relations, and overall school performance.
Since 2012, MAVERIK EDUCATION LLC have successfully assisted hundreds of K-12 district and charter schools in the state of Arizona implementing a Title I Targeted Assistance Program and transitioning to a Title I Schoolwide Program. We assist schools in developing and implementing their Title I plans and programs and ensuring all strategies and action steps are in compliance with federal statutes.
MAVERIK EDUCATION LLC conducts an extensive comprehensive needs assessment that includes that includes the following:
MAVERIK EDUCATION LLC also specializes in assisting K-12 district and charter schools in consolidating their federal, state, and local funds as outlined under Section 1114(a)(1) of the ESEA to address the specific needs of the students in their school more effectively and efficiently.
We work with schools to develop, implement, and budget their federal programs and plans and ensure compliance with the policies and provisions under the titles of the Every Students Succeeds Act of 2016 (Title I, Part A; Title II; Title III; Title IV-A).
We work with schools to develop, implement, and support professional learning and growth for all staff and individual teachers and leaders through collegial coaching, individual mentoring, and staff development.
We work with schools to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and develop integrated action plans that focus on increasing student achievement, teaching effectiveness, stakeholder relations, and overall school performance.
We work with schools to develop and implement plans and programs that will address the needs of specific student populations (e.g. English learners, special education, gifted and talented / twice exceptional).
Inquiring Minds Want to Learn:
Posing Good Questions
to Promote Student Inquiry
Erik M. Francis
Published by Solution Tree